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Jigsaw puzzles Easter Jigsaw Puzzles and Colouring Books

Free Online Jigsaws of fun easter holiday scenes with animals and easter eggs

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Easter Holidays Online Jigsaw Puzzles

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Playing the Jigsaw Puzzle Game Instructions

After opening the game, wait until it loads in your browser then click on the flashing start button. Select the jigsaw you want to play and then the difficulty level (number of pieces). The game will open and re-arrange the jigsaw pieces. It starts with jigsaw rotation on, rotate pieces using mouse click/buttons - To switch this rotation feature off click on the rotation button at the bottom right of the game. Enjoy the jigsaw and have fun.

Please note you may need to click on the sound button (top right) to activate the games sound

Happy Easter picture of bunny rabbits, teddy bears and Easter eggs

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Easter | Learn about the meaning of Easter Holidays

Easter Scene

From Traditions to Treats: How to Have a Happy Easter for the Whole Family

The message of the Christian Easter holiday centres on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead considered the cornerstone of the Christian faith. According to Christian beliefs, Easter symbolises Jesus's victory over death, opening the way to eternal life for all who believe in him. This event is seen as the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Old Testament and as evidence of God's ultimate love and power.

Easter follows Lent, a period of 40 days of fasting, prayer, and penance, and its message is one of hope, renewal, and redemption. It celebrates the idea that through belief in Jesus Christ, people can be forgiven for their sins and are offered the promise of eternal life with God. The holiday encourages Christians to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus, his life, death, and resurrection, and to live out the values he embodied, such as love, peace, and forgiveness.

In essence, Easter is a celebration of life overcoming death, light overcoming darkness, and love overcoming hate, encapsulating the core message of Christianity.

The Origins of Easter Celebrations

The origins of Easter as a Christian holiday are deeply rooted in the Jewish Passover, both in terms of timing and in the foundational theme of liberation from bondage. Passover commemorates the Israelites' exodus from Egypt and their liberation from slavery, and it is during this period that the events leading to the first Easter took place.

According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection occurred during Passover. Early Christians, many of whom were Jews, initially celebrated the resurrection as part of Passover. The term "Easter" does not appear in the Bible; the holiday's name varies in different languages, with many using terms derived from the Jewish Passover.

The specific term "Easter" is thought to come from Anglo-Saxon times. Bede, a 7th-8th century English monk and scholar, wrote that the name was derived from "Eostre" (or "Eastre"), the name of an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. This connection suggests that pre-Christian spring celebrations may have influenced some Easter customs. However, this etymological connection is still a subject of scholarly debate.

The dating of Easter was a significant issue in early Christianity, leading to the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, which decided that Easter would be celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox. This decision effectively separated the Christian celebration from the Jewish Passover, establishing it as a distinctively Christian festival.

Over the centuries, various Christian traditions have added their own customs and symbols to the celebration of Easter, such as the Easter egg, which symbolises new life and resurrection, and the Easter bunny, a folkloric figure associated with the delivery of Easter eggs. Despite these later additions, the core of the Easter celebration remains the commemoration of Jesus Christ's resurrection, as described in the Christian New Testament.

Easter Eggs

The Easter egg has a rich history predating Christian traditions, carrying meanings of new life, fertility, and rebirth across various cultures. Its incorporation into Easter celebrations and its association with the resurrection of Jesus Christ has layered it with additional significance within the Christian context.

Pre-Christian Traditions

Eggs have been a symbol of new life and springtime for millennia. Ancient Egyptians, Persians, Phoenicians, and Hindus all believed the world began with an enormous egg, thus attributing to the egg a powerful symbolism of fertility, rebirth, and the beginning of life.

Christian Interpretation

With the spread of Christianity, early Christians adopted the egg as a symbol of Jesus Christ's resurrection and the empty tomb. Just as a bird hatched from an egg, leaving it empty, Christ rose from the grave. The egg, therefore, became a metaphor for the resurrection and the promise of new life for believers.

Easter Egg Traditions

The specific customs surrounding Easter eggs have evolved over centuries and vary widely among cultures:

The Easter Bunny and Eggs

The Easter Bunny, another symbol associated with Easter, has its origins in pre-Christian fertility lore. The rabbit, known for its prolific breeding, symbolised fertility and new life. The Easter Bunny's role in modern celebrations, particularly in the context of hiding eggs for children to find, is a relatively recent development, particularly popular in the United States and other Western countries.

The Easter egg's journey from a pagan symbol of spring and new life to a Christian symbol of the resurrection exemplifies how cultural and religious symbols can evolve and intertwine over time. It encapsulates themes of hope, renewal, and life that are universal across human societies.

The history and meaning of Easter - Summary

Easter is a significant holiday celebrated by millions of people around the world. It is a time to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and marks the end of the forty days of Lent. The history of Easter dates back to ancient times when it was celebrated as a pagan festival, symbolising the arrival of spring. Over the years, Easter's religious and cultural significance has evolved, and it has become a time for families to come together and celebrate. Understanding the history and meaning of Easter can help you appreciate the traditions and rituals associated with this joyous occasion.

The origins of Easter can be traced back to the Jewish festival of Passover, which commemorates the Israelites' liberation from slavery in Egypt. Jesus, being Jewish, was in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover when he was crucified and resurrected. Easter is a time for Christians to remember and reflect upon Jesus's sacrifice to redeem humanity. It is a time of hope, renewal, and rebirth.

Traditional Easter activities and their significance

Easter is a time steeped in tradition, with various activities that hold deep significance. One of the most iconic symbols of Easter is the Easter egg. Eggs have been associated with fertility and rebirth since ancient times. The tradition of decorating eggs can be traced back to early Christians who would dye eggs red to symbolise the blood of Christ. Today, Easter eggs are often hidden and found during egg hunts, which bring joy and excitement to children and adults alike.

Another traditional activity is attending religious services, such as Easter Sunday Mass. Many churches hold special services on Easter Sunday, with hymns, prayers, and sermons that focus on the resurrection of Jesus. This is a time for individuals and families to come together and reflect on the spiritual significance of Easter.

Easter Egg Chace

Easter egg hunts and how to organise one for the whole family

Organising an Easter egg hunt can be a fun and engaging activity for the whole family. Here are some tips to ensure a successful and enjoyable event:

Remember, an Easter egg hunt aims not just to find the eggs but to enjoy the process and create lasting memories with your loved ones.

Creative Easter egg decorating ideas

Decorating Easter eggs is a beloved tradition that allows you to express your creativity and add a personal touch to your celebrations. Here are some creative ideas to inspire you:

Get creative with your Easter egg decorating and experiment with different techniques and materials. The possibilities are endless!

Easter crafts for kids

Engaging children in Easter crafts is a beautiful way to entertain them and get them excited about the holiday. Here are some simple yet enjoyable craft ideas for kids:

Please encourage your child's creativity and let them take the lead in their Easter crafts. These activities will keep them entertained and provide opportunities for learning and bonding.

Delicious Easter treats and recipes

Easter is synonymous with indulging in delicious treats and feasting with loved ones. Here are some mouthwatering Easter recipes that will delight your taste buds:

These delectable Easter treats will surely be a hit with your family and friends. Enjoy the process of preparing them and savour the joy they bring during this special time of year.

Non-traditional ways to celebrate Easter

While traditional Easter activities hold a special place in many people's hearts, there are also non-traditional ways to celebrate the holiday. Here are some ideas to consider:

Remember, the most important aspect of celebrating Easter is spending quality time with your loved ones. Choose activities that bring you joy and create meaningful memories together.

The importance of family time during Easter

Easter serves as a reminder of the importance of family and togetherness. It is a time to celebrate and cherish the bonds we share with our loved ones. In today's busy world, finding quality time to spend with family members can be challenging. However, Easter provides an opportunity to reconnect and strengthen those relationships.
Gathering together for a meal, participating in Easter activities, or engaging in meaningful conversations can foster a sense of belonging and create lasting memories. During these moments, we can reflect on our blessings and express gratitude for the love and support of our family.

Make a conscious effort to prioritise family time during Easter. Avoid distractions such as phones or work obligations and fully engage in the present moment. Whether it's sharing a meal, playing games, or simply enjoying each other's company, the memories created will be cherished for years to come.

Easter gift ideas for loved ones

Giving gifts is another way to express love and appreciation during Easter. Here are some thoughtful gift ideas for your loved ones:

Remember, the thought and effort behind the gift genuinely matter. Choose meaningful gifts and show your loved ones how much you care.

Easter is a time of joy, renewal, and togetherness. By understanding the history and meaning behind Easter, embracing traditional activities, and adding your own personal touch, you can create a happy and memorable celebration for the whole family. From organising an exciting egg hunt to engaging in creative crafts and indulging in delicious treats, there are countless ways to make Easter a special occasion. Focus on spending quality time with your loved ones, expressing gratitude, and creating cherished memories. Whether you follow traditional rituals or explore non-traditional ways to celebrate, the most important aspect of Easter is the love and connection you share with your family. Happy Easter!

Poems about Easter

In the heart of spring's embrace, where life anew does gently trace,
A tale unfolds with grace, of resurrection, a sacred base.
Jesus Christ, in death's cold grip, did rise to light's unyielding tip,
Inspiring souls to sip from hope's cup, a transformative trip.

Like nature's awakening from winter's sleep,
We find in His rise, promises to keep.
Rebirth, renewal, in every leaf and flower,
Echoes of His power, in every passing hour.

Sacrifice, a thread woven through the tapestry of time,
His act, so sublime, a beacon for mankind.
Forgiveness born from selfless deed,
In our hearts, plants a seed, to start anew, to lead.

From sacrifice comes redemption's song,
A melody of righting wrong, where all belong.
It resonates within, a call to find,
The better parts of humankind, a bond that binds.

Hope and joy, like dawn's first light,
Breaks the hold of darkest night.
Eternal life, a promise bright,
Gives strength to stand, to fight the fight.

In symbols of eggs and lilies white,
New life and purity in sight.
A reflection deep, of sacrifice and love,
Of heavenly realms, from above.

Gather round, in community and cheer,
Family close, and those we hold dear.
In meals shared, and traditions old,
A story of love, forever retold.

Let Easter's message, clear and true,
Renew your spirit, make all things new.
In every act of kindness shown,
Easter's light forever shone.

A celebration of life's eternal flow,
In resurrection's glow, we come to know,
That love, the greatest force we wield,
In every act, in every field.

So let us carry forth this light,
Through darkest days, through hardest fight.
For in Easter's story, we find our way,
To brighter nights, and warmer days.

Poem II

In the gentle dawn of Easter morn,

A tale of hope and love is born,

From darkness to light, He did rise,

Through sacrifice, a heavenly prize.

Like nature's bloom in springtime's call,

Resurrection echoes, one and all,

The promise of new life unfurled,

In the triumph of a risen world.

Redemption's touch, profound and deep,

A promise that we all can keep,

Through trials faced and burdens borne,

In His grace, we are reborn.

So let our hearts with joy resound,

As Easter's message does surround,

Of renewal, transformation true,

In Christ's love, we find our breakthrough.

Poem III

In the hush of early morn, a story unfolds,

Of a love so pure, in history it's told,

A sacrifice made, redemption in sight,

The promise of Easter, radiant and bright.

Like nature's awakening in spring's gentle breeze,

The resurrection brings hope, puts hearts at ease,

From death to life, a transformation so grand,

Mirroring the rebirth of nature's own land.

Through trials and darkness, light will prevail,

In the resurrection's tale, we find the trail,

Of forgiveness and grace, of love unconfined,

A message of hope for all of mankind.

So let Easter remind us of sacrifice profound,

And the joy of redemption that in our hearts is found,

As we celebrate renewal and life anew,

May the spirit of Easter bring blessings to you.